Thurston family-run ice cream maker Criterion Ices has just completed the installation of a new blast freezer that…
A Penny for your Thoughts

We are thrilled to share the news that we have begun a new Charity partnership with Mousetrap Theatre Projects.
We have pledged to donate a penny for every 130ml tub of ice cream, sorbet or yogurt ice sold to any of our London theatre customers.
When seeking a suitable charity partner, our shared love of the theatre made Mousetrap the obvious choice.
We were struck by their passion and enthusiasm, perfectly summed up in their Mission statement. They say:
“We believe that all young people should have the opportunity to attend outstanding theatre, irrespective of their cultural, social or economic background.
Our mission is to increase young people’s access to the best of live theatre in London (particularly young people with limited resources, opportunities or support) and to enable them to engage creatively with that experience.
WE BELIEVE passionately in the power of theatre to transform young lives
WE AIM to engage young people through theatre and drama, using it creatively to educate challenge and inspire them
WE SERVE young people primarily from across London, focusing on those who experience disadvantage – whether economic, social or through a learning or sensory disability
At the heart of our work is the desire to open the doors to all that London’s vibrant theatre scene has to offer. Whether you are a young person or someone working with young people, we invite you to come through those doors with us and begin your theatre journey.”
To enter a theatre for a performance is to be inducted into a magical space, to be ushered into the sacred arena of the imagination – SIMON CALLOW